
Friday, February 12, 2021

Happy Saint Valentine's Day!


In 270 A.D. Emperor Claudius issued an edict forbidding marriage because he believed that married men made poor soldiers, not wanting to leave their families to go to battle. Bishop Valentine disagreed with the emperor and invited young lovers to come to him in secret to be married. When Claudius found that Valentine was performing marriages secretly, he was incensed. He had Valentine seized and brought before him. When Valentine refused to change his views and renounce Christianity, he was put in prison to await execution. The judge, whose name was Asterius, had a daughter who was blind. Valentine prayed for little girl, and God healed her. Before Valentine was executed, he wrote a letter to the girl, and signed it,  “From your Valentine”.  The next day, Valentine was clubbed, stoned, and then beheaded. He remained faithful to Jesus to the end.

Guest Blogger - Bart Tesoriero

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